This situation might make any woman despair, but Sally Kalksma is not just any woman. With her passion for life and her infectious energy, she found the motivation to power through adversity with tenacity and grit while never giving up hope, even when life looked its bleakest. Although Sally is now in remission, she still takes chemo as a maintenance therapy for Multiple Myeloma, but she knows how to turn pain into positivity. In Life Gets in the Way, this superstar, world-renowned athlete shares her memoirs on climbing toward a world without cancer.
An unforgettable lesson in life and living!
The courage and life’s lessons this book brought to light, cannot be underscored enough. Sally’s recounting and thoroughness of plight is awe-inspiring. Her love, no, passion for life, is unmistakeable, heartwarming, riveting and beyond informative. This is not a page turner-rather, it’s a page-burner!
For those of you who are presently experiencing a form of cancer or have a loved one who is, this book is a goodwill ambassador to and for life and a primer on how to survive through all the setbacks and emerge, with a smile, on the other end.
I have not read too many books that I would heartily recommend. This is definitely a must read. You’re cheating yourself if you don’t take advantage of this profound account of living with and conquering, this dreaded disease.
Anyone who is going through any type of adversity in their life, can benefit from the life lessons culled from this book.
Sally’s Will to Survive with a Smile
This AMAZING autobiography is sure to remind you of the human spirit and WILL to overcome EVERY obstacle. Life is hard enough. Reading Sally’s story should remind us all that “When Life Gets in the Way” you find another path or some Lemocello!!! Living in the present is KEY!! Sally has had many trials in life but as one of the MOST positive people I know, my step sib Sally she will lift your spirits and show you that you will survive!! She is not just an an elite athlete and extremely positive person but she shows us that her children are her LIFE, FAMILY is a priority and she embodies the spirit of all those struggling to find their way with Multiple Myeloma or just trying to overcome a huge void in life. You will FOREVER appreciate each and every day of your life after ready her story!!
Courage And Strength With A Dash Of Mischief
Prepare to laugh, cry, and be blown away by Sally Kalksma's story. Life Gets in the Way is a wonderful example of the old adage "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade" or in Sally Kalksma's case, limoncello! Yes, real homemade limoncello! (and she even gives you the recipe!)
Sally has written a powerhouse book detailing her many life's challenges and how she has conquered them with positivity and grit, always with her signature megawatt smile. Her adventures in stairclimbing have propelled her to world-class athlete status, along the way fighting cancer (that really had no chance to win) and raising a family of 3 children alone after her husband died.
Her infectious spirit is evident throughout her story and will positively enrich readers' lives encouraging us to reach beyond what we think we can tolerate. It's a story I couldn't put down and will remain with me always.
Beyond Courage, The Ability to Rise Above
In “Life Gets In The Way”, the author, Sally Kalksma is forced to face one life threatenting illness after another throughout the course of her life. As cancer besets first her husband, then her children and eventually herself she must rise to the challenge each time. Who can overcome such a devastating illness not once, but again and again and again. Sally Kalksma can! Not only does she survive but each time she gets stronger and stronger and then stronger again.
In her own unique voice Sally tells her life story directly to the reader and shares the mentality and skills one must acquire to survive and thrive when faced with real life nightmares. As you experience her spirit, her joy of life and the secrets to her inner strength it will change you and you will be thankful you read this book.
In Unforgiving Waters, Sally Finds the Means to Stay Afloat. Her story resonates....
I don't stay up past three am often these days, unless I really have a compelling reason. This book was one such reason...
The book is revealing. There is introspection. Delicate matters are handled with sensitivity and grace. Sally admits to, but never really lingers on past choices that could have been better made, because there's no point. She writes fondly of her early passion for running and how climbing hundreds of steps is an apt metaphor for conquering adversity. The book isn't a foolproof manual for overcoming all misfortune- nor is it intended to be. Rather, Sally imparts the wisdom that comes with having lived, and shares valuable insight on the importance of prioritizing what makes one whole and discarding the rest.
The book is a touching and inspiring testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and I think you'll see the value no matter what your challenges are. Life does 'get in the way,' but if you're smart in your strategy, and arrange things in boxes (as Sally suggests), you can find a way to navigate.
Highly and enthusiastically recommended.
Looking for a "quick hit" of inspiration and positivity? READ LIFE GETS IN THE WAY!
This book was a quick, upbeat, inspiring read that I took in in one delicious gulp. Sally's story is an interesting read, and I was surprised that it was more than a story about her own battle with cancer (multiple myeloma) but about all the other 'hits' that came along the way as well – and how she overcame them. (I don't want to spoil here, so I will leave out the details). How this woman took her tough kicks in the gut and lives a full and abundant life full of joy and positivity is simply amazing.
I didn't expect a book on this topic to be so fun to read. So, buy this book for a friend or family member. It is a great dose of inspiration and fun that Lord knows we all need right now. Sometimes hearing from people who have stared death in the face (several times in her case) shows us how to live our own lives fully!
Bravo Sally! May we all put "more life in our years"!